Just another KPU Wordpress site


How to use a Community Template

The template site is designed to gather, communicate, and build relationships with each other.

The main page contains a short introductory message to welcome people and recent posts to keep them updated. We’ve added the search bar, recent posts, and recent comments to the right sidebar.

The discussion page is for people to share ideas and offer to engage with an online community. Feel free to add the contents or delete the page based on your needs.

The sample page has step-by-step instructions on how to add a page to the menu. Once you build the content, you can remove the page. (Dashboard -> pages -> trash)

The customization post tells you what you can customize in the theme. This theme is easy to use, and you can tweak the design to your liking.

Collaborate with others: you can manually add users to your WordPress site if you are the administrator of the site. Learn more about how to add users to the site.

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