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ePortfolio Matters @KPU

This site highlights ePortfolio initiatives happening at KPU, including course, program and Faculty-level innovations, special projects, professional development opportunities, resources and more. If you know of an initiative that is not captured here, please contact the Teaching and Learning Commons and let us know so we can share it with the KPU ePortfolio community.

In this video, the value of eportfolio pedagogy is demonstrated through the learning journey of two Design students; one who documented her learning using eportfolios throughout her program, and another who did not.

Site Page Overviews

ePortfolio Matters@KPU Champions program title slide image

Champions Program

Click here or on the menu tab above to learn more about KPUs Champions Program supported by the Teaching and Learning Commons. Individuals and initiatives from each cohort will be celebrated and calls for upcoming cohorts will be announced

ePortfolio Matters @KPU Matters of Interest title slide image

Matters of Interest

Click here or on the menu tab above to view some of the special ePortfolio projects happening in the KPU ePortfolio community. Project team members will share their progress and showcase their deliverables here.

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Faculty Matters

Click here or on the menu tab above to view individual, course and program level ePortfolio initiatives within the various Faculties at KPU.

ePortfolio Gallery

Click here or on the menu tab above to explore a gallery of KPU faculty and student ePortfolios.

ePortfolio matters @KPU professional development title slide image

Professional Development

Click here or on the tab above for professional development opportunities related to ePortfolios offered by the Teaching and Learning Commons. Both synchronous (online and f2f) and asynchronous opportunities are listed.

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Resources for Teaching and Learning

Click here or the tab above to find pedagogical and technological teaching and learning resources for ePortfolios. Resources provided by the Teaching and Learning Commons and KPU Learning Centres.

ePortfolio Matters @KPU, developed by Gillian Sudlow for KPU’s Teaching and Learning Commons is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.