Six faculty members received a one section time-release to focus on new eportfolio initiatives in their respective programs.
Ann-Marie McLellan – Arts Faculty, Educational Studies (EDST) Program
Ann-Marie plans to promote the value of eportfolios within EDST by:
- building a foundation to integrate eportfolios into first year EDUC courses
- collaborating with colleagues to create a structured workbook in PebblePad containing a signature assignment, assessment rubrics and common feedback phrases
- creating a tagging taxonomy
- training and supporting faculty and students in implementation
Monica Affleck – Melville School of Buisness, Human Resources Management (HRMT) Program
Monica plans to revise currently siloed, course-based approaches to eportfolio use in HRMT into a more integrative, program-based approach to serve students post-graduation by:
- creating a tagging tasonomy based on program-level competencies required for accreditation
- identifying signature assignments and competencies for each course
- being intentional in the integration of folio thinking pedagogy to encourage students to reflect on their learning and see their growth over the span of a program
Khairunisa Ali – Melville School of Business, Co-op Program
Khairunisa’s eportfolio initiative includes:
- creating a signature assignment for COOP 1150 to allow for students to evidence and reflect on their learning through each progressive experience in the Co-op Program
- intentionally applying folio thinking to students’ learning experience in Co-op as they reflect between school and work throughout and curate evidence of their learning that they can share with future employers
Jovita Vytasek – Learning Centres
Jovita plans to continue supporting students and, in turn, their instructors by:
- developing a suite of asynchronous resources (shared PebblePad Templates/Workbooks) for students on folio thinking and PebblePad that can be used as introductory material for any student engaging with eportfolios using the PebblePad platform in their course.
- sharing these resources with faculty to embed in their courses to support students, thus reducing the burden of course time and faculty workload to provide additional instruction and resources needed to properly integrate eportfolios
Teresa Swan and Simon Driver – Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation, Employment and Community Studies
In support of their new curriculum, Teresa and Simon will be
- implementing a new Student Digital Learning Community to scaffold students as they integrate assignments in Work Experience courses into an ePortfolio
- create a tagging taxonomy for the EACS program
- map and create signature assignments
- develop shared PebblePad Templates and Workbooks
- provide training as support for faculty and students