Introducing the Fall 2023 cohort of KPU ePortfolio Champions! We are excited about their projects and plans to implement eportfolios and folio thinking in their programs.
Anjela Godber – Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation, Employment and Community Studies (EACS) Program
Anjela plans to continue the great work started by her ePortfolio Champion colleagues in the Spring 2023 cohort by creating a sustainable framework to guide the long-term implementation of ePortfolios and folio thinking pedagogy in the EACS program. Her specific goals include:
- identifying courses that align with eportfolio pedagogy
- developing shared templates and workbooks
- creating a tagging taxonomy for the EACS program
- creating and mapping signature assignments
- advancing folio thinking and eportfolio use with departmental partnerships
- develop the use of ATLAS department-wide
Ella Bohinska – Melville School of Business, Accounting
Ella is integrating ePortfolios and folio thinking into a new course this Fall, Introduction to Financial Planning, Her implementation plan includes:
- the development and implementation of 2 signature assignments using PebblePad workbooks which guide students to create evidence and reflect on their coursework and financial well-being.
- use Atlas to develop comprehensive assessment tools.
- demonstrate to her colleagues how ePortfolio pedagogy and the PebblePad platform can be used to engage and enhance learning.
Monica Affleck – Melville School of Business, Human Resources Management (HRMT)
Building on the work she completed as part of the Spring 2023 Champion cohort, Monica and her HRMT colleagues will be piloting their revised eportfolio program on a small scale in Fall 2023 to work out the kinks for full-scale implementation in Spring 2024. To achieve her goals, Monica plans to:
- pilot signature assignment PebblePad workbooks and tagging taxonomy created as a result of her Spring 2023 time release
- create a program-level learning portfolio infrastructure for full-scale implementation in Spring 2024
- gather feedback, reflect, and revise PebblePad workbooks as needed
- finalize tagging taxonomy
- conduct one-on-one meetings with new faculty to get them to buy into the “why” of ePortfolios
- design a capstone showcase ePortfolio assignment with HR faculty
Paola Gavilanez – Wilson School of Design, Interior Design
Paola, an ePortfolio Champion from KPUs AAC&U Institute team, is continuing her work to create a detailed framework for the use of ePortfolios throughout the Interior Design. Her goal is for students to have an ePortfolio documenting the knowledge, skills (“hard” and “soft”), and attitudes developed in the program. This ePortfolio can be used for employment searches, internal program reviews, external accreditation, graduate school applications, and marketing. To achieve this goal, Paola plans to:
- identify key assignments and skills to be documented
- map signature assignments and skills to program and professional learning outcomes
Robin Cook Bondy – Melville School of Business, Public Relations and Applied Communications
Robin and her colleagues have long seen the value of ePortfolios for students in the Public Relations Diploma program, but have yet had the opportunity to implement their vision. Robin plans to use her ePortfolio Champion time release to create a framework for eportfolio implementation in the Public Relations Diploma program by:
- identifying courses that are appropriate for eportfolio assignments
- developing shared PebblePad templates and/or workbooks
- creating and mapping signature assignments