Activate your Account
How to Activate your PebblePad Account
This video shows how to login to the PebblePad, KPU’s enterprise eportfolio platform 3 different ways.
Online – KPU Learning Centres
Introduction to ePortfolios
This all-in-one student-facing online resource guides students through the basics of understanding what an ePortfolio is to the technical and the reflective pieces required to creating one.
Videos – KPU Learning Centres
What is Reflection?
This video from the KPU Learning Centres explains reflection and its importance in academic contexts. For associated Learning Aid, see below or click here.
Reflective Learning Cycle
In this KPU Learning Centre video Graham Gibbs’ Reflective cycle is introduced one method to structure the reflective process.
Learning Aids – KPU Learning Centres
Reflective Writing
This Learning Aid provides students with an overview of what reflective writing is and what it is not and how it is used in an academic context. Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle is illustrated and explained and a template is provided to help guide students through the reflective writing process.
Create Your ePortfolio in PebblePad
This learning aid provides students with a step-by-step process to creating and sharing an ePortfolio in PebblePad. Steps include adding text and media as well as how to share their ePortfolio with their instructors and other audiences for feedback.