This page contains available global and shared CC licensed resources accessible to the KPU community for as is use and/or customization. See below for descriptions of each type of resource and how to access and customize them for your context. For additional information and support, please contact the Teaching and Learning Commons.
Global Resources
Global resources are templates and workbooks that have been created by members of the KPU Community under a CC license and shared directly into every KPU user’s Pebble+ Resource Store (students and faculty). Similar to Generic PebblePad Templates, KPU global resources can be edited/customized by copying and renaming the resource directly from your Resource Store.
Available Global Resources
Territorial Acknowledgment Template
Available as a global resource in everyone’s Resource Store, an updated version of the Territorial Acknowledgement Template was co-created by Jennifer Anaquod, Lisa Gedak, and Gillian Sudlow. This template guides users to unpack the importance of territorial acknowledgements and move beyond just reading or hearing the standardized territorial acknowledgement at the beginning of a meeting or class. Personalizing your territorial acknowledgement should be a journey of unlearning and learning. The questions and activities in this template are intended to help guide you on your journey beyond the standardized acknowledgement to one of more personal meaning and recognition of the land.
Shared Resources
Also created by members of the KPU community under a CC license, shared resources are available by request from the Teaching and Learning Commons. For documentation on how to request a copy of the shared resources shown below, see this Freshdesk link.
Available Shared Resources
Work Integrated Learning Capabilities Workbook
The WIL Capabilities Workbook was co-created by Gillian Sudlow and Larissa Petrillo under a CC-BY-SA license. This Capabilities Workbook allows students in Work Integrated Learning (WIL) courses and programs to “Map [their] Learning” to KPU’s WIL learning outcomes. A re-usable assignment, this workbook encourages students to make connections between their course learning and specific WIL outcomes.
Create Your Own Research Design
The Create Your Own Research Design workbook was co-created by Nishan Perera and Gillian Sudlow under a CC-BY-SA license. The framework, content and the questions to develop this workbook were adapted from Hopscotch – Create your Research Design Resource. This workbook guides students through a process of thinking critically about their approach to research, leading them to effective research design.