This theme features many options when it comes to customizing your site, including custom header and footer, typography, colors, and menu. The below list explains each customization in detail:

General Options – You can change the color of the background, foreground, and main site.

Site Identity – Site title and tagline can be changed. The site title will display on the top left corner, and the tagline will display on the top middle of the page. You can add the site logo as well.

Header Options – You can change the layout, upload a logo, add search icon, and change the background color of the header.

Blog – You can choose the number of columns of posts to be displayed on the page, add ‘Read more’ button, enable or disable the header, add the background header image, adjust the size of the image, and change the post settings.

Footer – You can change the layout of the footer, add a logo, adjust the size of the logo, and change the color of the footer.

Buttons – Change the background, text, hover color and size of the button.

Typography – Change the font family and size, height, spacing, and color for different heading styles.

Play around and pick whatever suits your site! 🙂