In an online course, you may have assignments that require you to prepare a pre-recorded online presentation video.  These videos may include:

Within Moodle at KPU, you will most often upload these presentations using Kaltura.  You may also use Kaltura to create your presentation, or you may wish to use another tool to create your video. 

In this module, you will:

  • Identify privacy considerations for choosing presentation software
  • Identify technical considerations that guide your choice of software
  • Select the tools that best meet your needs for an online presentation
  • Practice software skills used in creating presentation videos

Creating videos to present your knowledge is an increasingly important skill in a digital world.  Learning to use tools to create professional and effective videos will support your success in a variety of future endeavours.

Privacy Considerations

When you create online content, you will want to make thoughtful decisions about how you wish to present yourself.  Here are some questions to consider:

Technical Considerations

Here are some technical questions to consider as you choose tools to create your video presentation:

Options for Creating Video Presentations:

ToolType of PresentationDevices
PowerPointRecorded video narration of PowerPoint slides (Note: may be best for shorter presentations, as file sizes can be large)Laptop/Desktop
Kaltura CaptureRecorded video narration of PowerPoint slides with or without video of presenters, recordings made with a webcamLaptop/ Desktop
Microsoft TeamsRecorded video of individual or group presenters with or without video of presenters, recorded narration of a PowerPoint presentation by a groupLaptop, mobile
ZoomRecorded video of individual or group presenters with or without video of presenters, recorded narration of a PowerPoint presentation by an individual or groupLaptop, mobile
Mobile video recordingRecorded video of presenters or creation of other visual presentation elementsMobile device; usually requires editing on mobile or laptop software

Important Note: Privacy Considerations

Microsoft Teams and Zoom are not currently supported/recommended by KPU, as the current configurations require you to store data outside of Canada.  You may choose to use your own personal Teams/Zoom software with understanding of the privacy risks.  KPU supported versions of both of these tools will be available to students later in the Fall 2020 semester.

On the next page, you will find video tutorials to support you as you create your presentation video.